2 min read

Navigating Your Dashboard

Your dashboard is the hub of your HomeShare Online experience. This article explains how to get the most out of it. 


In this article: 


What is the dashboard? 

Your dashboard is the home base for a collection of tools that can support you on your homesharing journey. From your dashboard, you can:  

  • Review your matches 
  • Message other users 
  • Mark potential housemates as Pending or Hidden  
  • Share your background check results 
  • View and edit your profile and/or listing 
  • Manage your HomeShare Online membership 


How to get started with your dashboard 

To get started using your dashboard:  

  1. Go to www.HomeShareOnline.org and click Get started in the upper-right corner.  
  2. You’ll be asked to select your user type (home provider or renter), enter your email address and create a password:  

    Sign up
  3. You’ll receive an email with a link for you to click to verify that you have access to the email address you used to sign up.  
  4. Once you have verified your email address, you can log in to HomeShare Online and access your dashboard. 


How to review matches from your dashboard 

To review matches from your dashboard: 

  1. Go to your dashboard. 
  2. Select the Browse Renter tab. 
  3. Select Sort by in the top-right corner to see newest matches, matches with the highest ShareScore™, etc.:
    Updated Browse Renters
  4. You can also filter your matches based on various criteria: 
    Updated Filter Renter Search-2


How to message other users from your dashboard 

To message other users from your dashboard: 

  1. Go to your dashboard. 
  2. Select the Inbox tab. 
  3. Use the left sidebar to switch between conversations. Use the right sidebar to preview and compose messages in a conversation.
    Updated Message Renter
  4. If you receive messages you deem to be offensive or suspicious, you can block the message sender by selecting Block renter/home provider from the Other actions dropdown menu: 


How to use your dashboard to keep track of potential housemates 

  1. Go to your dashboard. 
  2. Any potential housemates you have sent messages to or received messages from will appear in the Pending renters tab of your dashboard:
    Review Pending Renters-3
  3. To remove a renter from the Pending renters list, click Other actions and select Hide from the dropdown menu that appears. 


How to manage your HomeShare Online membership from your dashboard 

To manage your HomeShare Online membership from your dashboard: 

  1. Go to your dashboard. 
  2. Click your profile avatar in the top-right corner and select Account from the dropdown menu that appears. 
  3. From your Account page, you can click Manage to view and edit your subscription and payment details or cancel your subscription anytime: 
    Account Membership Managment -1


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